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Policies And Procedures

We Believe: 


The School House Academy Daycare promotes, in all of our students, the attitude, skills and knowledge necessary to live in a global society; while enhancing our focus on peaceful problem solving, safe learning experiences and a sense of belonging for all students. It is expected that students will:


  • Strive to be the best that they can be.

  • Respect the rights of everyone in an environment that is free from fears, prejudices and distractions.

  • Conduct themselves with honor, dignity, and self-control.

  • Respect the property of others and the daycare.

  • Show respect of other decisions and opinions.

  • Solve conflicts and difficulties through peaceful means.


To encourage and enhance these goals employees  will continue to take the following steps:


  • Enhance clarification of desirable and of unacceptable behaviors.

  • Initiate immediate, consistent, non-violent consequences for all bullying and aggressive behavior.

  • Understand and praise positive, friendly and supportive behavior of students toward one another on a frequent basis.

  • Teach social skills, including communication, making friends, accepting feedback from others, conflict resolution, appropriate assertiveness, and problem solving.

  • Model positive, respectful and supportive behaviors toward students.

  • Promote ongoing communication between teachers, parents, and students.


Standards and Regulations: 

The School House Academy Daycare is regulated under the following Acts and Standards: 


  • Child Care Early Years Act (CCEYA)

  • Building Code Act 

  • Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) 

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

  • Safe Drinking Water Act 

  • Canadian Standard for Children’s Playground and Equipment(CSA) 

  • Other Authorities: Municipal Fire, Health and Zoning Departments


Teachers and Instructors:


The School House Academy Daycare employees are trained in Early Childhood Education (E.C.E.) and are registered with the College of Early Childhood Educators (RECE). Staff ratios are maintained according to CCEYA standards. Employees will encourage children throughout the day to participate in ongoing learning activities.


R.E.C.E. (Registered Early Childhood Educators)

Staff that have their R.E.C.E. certificate and ECE diploma or degree and have had some experience working with children. The teacher works directly with the children, plans and implements the daily program, cares for the children and monitors their development throughout the day


Staff Requirements: 


All staff At our Daycare must possess before employment: 


  • Police Clearance

  • Negative TB test

  • RECE Certification

  • ECE Diploma

  • Experience in Early Childhood Development

  • First Aid and CPR Infant/Child/Adult

  • Safe Food Handling Certificate (if applicable)

  • Knowledge of ALL The School House Policies and Procedures


Criminal Reference Check Policy: 


The Administrative Director will obtain Police Criminal Reference Checks on all employees, Board members, students and volunteers who have direct contact with the children. A copy of this form will be kept in the staff/volunteer's files.


Age Definitions: 



  • Infants are children between the ages of 6 weeks to 18 months old. 


  •  Toddlers are children between the ages of 18 months to 30 months old. 


  • Preschoolers are children between the ages of 2.5 to 5 years old. 

Junior Kindergarten(JK):

  • JK children are between the ages of 4 to 5 years old. 

Senior Kindergarten (SK): 

  • SK children are 5 years old. 


  • School-age children are 6 to 12 years old. 


Teacher Child Ratio:


The School House Daycare follows the Child Care Early Years Act. The CCEYA mandates specific ratios for each age group of children:  



  • 0-18 months            1 teacher to 3 infants or 3 teachers 10 infants

  • 18 –30 months       1 teacher to 5 children

  • 2.5 – 5 years             1 teacher to 8 children

  • 4 – 5 years                 1 teacher to 10 children

  • 5 years                         1 teacher to 12 children

  • 6- 12 years                 1 teacher to 15 children


Please note that ratios for children 18 months and older are higher during drop-off and pick-up times. We never reduce ratios at any time in the infant area or outside playground areas.


  • Drop off Times – 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

  • Pick Up Times – 4:00 p.m. –6:00 p.m.


Our Curriculum: 


The best of our 3 great models:


The School House Academy Daycare combines elements of three complementary teaching models; Montessori, Ontario Curriculum, and Reggio Emilia. By using these proven methods together, we create a unique, well-balanced educational program that facilitates early learning and brain development.

In a creative yet structured learning environment, your child will be introduced to numbers, science, music, math, computers, fine motor development, self-care skills and more. 


Our teachers take on the role of the facilitator and encourage the children to take the lead in their own learning; they expertly guide your child as they learn
to understand the world.


Montessori Method:


The School House Daycare believes this method is applicable to all age levels; the Montessori Method is based on two main principles: a child’s natural curiosity to learn and their love of gaining new knowledge and skills. Montessori is based on the child’s developmental need for freedom within limits, and a structurally prepared environment which offers a wide variety of exposure to a wide range of materials and experiences. Everything a child sees, listens to and touches contributes to their learning.


In a structured, predictable, disciplined environment the Montessori Method allows children to make choices and follow through on their own learning. Children are able to complete given tasks and meet goals, resulting in a satisfying sense of personal accomplishment. The activities foster their inner security and sense of belonging and order. The goals are always to develop self-confidence and build independence – it’s an ideal way to prepare children to take control of their learning as they prepare for their future.


Through Montessori the children experience: 1. Practical life 2. Sensorial activities 3. Math 4. Geography 5. Language 6. Expression activities


Reggio Emilia: 


Reggio Emilia philosophy is a program based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum. 


The Reggio Emilia philosophy is based upon the following set of principles:

  • Children must have some control over the direction of their learning;

  • Children must be able to learn through experiences of touching, moving, listening, seeing, and hearing;

  • Children have a relationship with other children and with material items in the world that children must be allowed to explore and

  • Children must have endless ways and opportunities to express themselves.


Our Model:


Our method is a hands-on approach which encourages active learning. Beginning in infancy, and progressing through toddler level, children use all of their senses to experience new sights and sounds. Our method emphasizes problem solving skills to help children increase their confidence as they make choices.


Children learn:


  • Sense of self

  • Social relations

  • Creative representations

  • Language and Literacy

  • Movement

  • Music

  • Seriation  (formation or arrangement)

  • Numbers

  • Space

  • Time




The Supervisor of The School House Academy Daycare controls the transitioning of the children from one age group to the next.

We follow the general guidelines for each group, and consult with both the staff and parents concerning the readiness of the child. There may be cases where the transition of a child to a new age group may be delayed for a short period of time due to space availability in the new group.


We introduce the child slowly to the new age group by having him/her visit several times before going to the new group on a permanent basis. Visits start out for an hour or two, twice a week then progress to a half day, two to three times a week. If all is going well, they we try a full day in the new environment for a few days a week. If all is going well and the child is adjusting to the environment and is participating, we then fully transition the child to the new age group.




The School House Academy Daycare will celebrate all yearly events and traditions. We attempt to underline the cultural diversity of our Centre. Parents are encouraged to help us develop celebrations of festivals representative of their culture. 



Professional Development:


The School House Academy Daycare, provides our employees the opportunity for professional development as well as self-directed learning on a regular basis. 



Licensing Regulations:


The School House Academy Daycare programs are fully licensed by the CCLS and are subject to the rules and regulations established by the Government of Ontario and follow all the guidelines of the Child Care Early Years Act ( CCEYA)



Pick Up Policy:


It is very important to notify the office if your child is being picked up early. This will eliminate any confusion for employees as to where your child is. Your child will only be released to adults listed on the Registration Form/Emergency Contact. If someone other than those adults listed is scheduled to pick up your child, you must notify the Centre and complete the Authorization for Pickup Form located outside the classroom. The person will be asked to show ID.



Absenteeism/ Illness:


Please call our main office and leave a detailed message if your child will be absent for the day. This will avoid unnecessary calls being made to your home or workplace. There will be no credit for absent days and fees are still due when your child is absent. Please understand that during Christmas break, March break, and the summer time, we cannot give your child’s space to someone else, therefore payment is required. 


For families who have their child enrolled part time, there are no switching days, regardless of the reason. Please understand; you are sharing a full time spot with another family. If you want to come on their day, they do not have a spot. We will make every effort to accommodate extra days when needed. 


In the event that the Centre is closed on a day your child is to attend due to it being a holiday, no credit will be given and you are not able to switch the day to an alternate day. Please understand; we cannot have all the part time families switching days due to holiday closures as it is not possible for us to provide an alternate day for families that are with us on a full time basis.



Outdoor Activities:


As per The Child Care Early Years Act of Ontario, we are mandated to provide two hours of outdoor activities per day (weather permitting). Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. If your child is too sick for outdoor play, we ask all parents to please keep them home until they are feeling well and are able to participate in all of our programs.


The School House Academy

3450 Ypres Ave. (Main Level)

Windsor ON   N8W 5K9



    The School House Early Learning


   1235 Grand Marais Road West

    Windsor ON  N9B 1E1









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